we are so worried, often times, to have a guy who likes us. Sometimes we go through many ways to try to get their attention. Some of the ways we do that, we do it the wrong way and not the way God wants us to. When we go about it the wrong way we create many problems and attract guys that aren't right for us. The way God designed us is similar to His nature. God wants us to seek Him, wants us to know Him and to love Him. This is what us girls want. We want guys to seek us, to want to know us and to love us. We need to be comfortable with how we are, who God created us, and don't go beyond His measures to attract guys. We just need to be who God made us to be and wait. When we do those things, the right guy will pursue us. We don't need to change ourselves to something we aren't. We should be loved how God made us. God didn't create us to be what others need and want. God created us for Him and his purpose, which is perfect. He wired you the way He did and He said you are worth pursuing the way He made you.